Match Phrase Prefix Query

A query that matches documents containing terms in the same order as those in the analyzed query string. The final analyzed token is treated as a prefix and expanded to at most max_expansions terms. The expansion process searches the field’s sorted terms list, segment by segment, until enough terms with the prefix are found.

Proto definition:

// A query that matches documents containing terms in the same order as those in the analyzed query string. The final analyzed token is treated as a prefix.
message MatchPhrasePrefixQuery {
    // Field in the document to query.
    string field = 1;
    // The text to query with.
    string query = 2;
    // Edit distance between respective positions of tokens generated by analyzing this query and the positions of terms in a document.
    int32 slop = 3;
    // Analyzer used to analyze the query. If not provided, the default search analyzer for the field would be used instead.
    Analyzer analyzer = 4;
    // Maximum number of terms to which the last provided term of the query value will expand. Defaults to 50.
    int32 max_expansions = 5;