
Highlights are used to retrieve the information about matched terms in a hit. Nrtsearch currently supports the Fast Vector Highlighter in Lucene.

Custom highlighters can be provided with HighlighterPlugin interface.


To be able to highlight a field the following settings must be enabled when registering the field:


  • The field must be a TEXT field

  • The field must be searchable, i.e. have “search: true”


  • The field must be stored, i.e. have “store: true”

  • The field must have term vectors with positions and offsets, i.e. have “termVectors: TERMS_POSITIONS_OFFSETS”

  • While not mandatory, the field must be tokenized for the highlights to be useful, i.e. have “tokenize: true”

Query Syntax

This is the proto definition for Highlight message which can be specified in SearchRequest:

// Specify how to highlight matched text in SearchRequest
message Highlight {

  enum Type {
      // When DEFAULT is set in global setting, use fast vector highlighter; when set for field setting, use the type from the global setting.
      DEFAULT = 0;
      FAST_VECTOR = 1;
      // not supported yet
      PLAIN = 2;
      CUSTOM = 3;

  message Settings {
      // Specify type of highlighter to use. Ignored right now in nrtsearch.
      Type highlighter_type = 1;
      // Used along with post_tags to specify how to wrap the highlighted text.
      repeated string pre_tags = 2;
      // Used along with pre_tags to specify how to wrap the highlighted text.
      repeated string post_tags = 3;
      // Number of characters in highlighted fragment, 100 by default. Set it to be 0 to fetch the entire field.
      google.protobuf.UInt32Value fragment_size = 4;
      // Maximum number of highlight fragments to return, 5 by default. If set to 0 returns entire text as a single fragment ignoring fragment_size.
      google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_number_of_fragments = 5;
      // Specify a query here if highlighting is desired against a different query than the search query.
      Query highlight_query = 6;
      // Set to true to highlight fields only if specified in the search query.
      google.protobuf.BoolValue field_match = 7;
      // Sorts highlighted fragments by score when set to true. By default, fragments will be output in the order they appear in the field. (Default is true)
      google.protobuf.BoolValue score_ordered = 8;
      // Select Fragmenter between span (default) and simple. This is only applicable for plain highlighters.
      google.protobuf.StringValue fragmenter = 9;
      // Let the fragment builder respect the multivalue fields. Each fragment won't cross multiple value fields if set true. (Default is false)
      google.protobuf.BoolValue discrete_multivalue = 10;
      // When highlighter_type is CUSTOM, use this string identifier to specify the highlighter. It is ignored for any other highlighter_types.
      string custom_highlighter_name = 11;
      // Optional Custom parameters for custom highlighters. If a field overriding is present, the global setting will be omitted for this field, and no merge will happen.
      google.protobuf.Struct custom_highlighter_params = 12;
      // Define the boundary decision when creating fragments. Options are "boundary_chars" (default in fast vector highlighter), "word" or "sentence".
      google.protobuf.StringValue  boundary_scanner = 13;
      // Terminating chars when using "boundary_chars" boundary_scanner. The default is ".,!? \t\n".
      google.protobuf.StringValue  boundary_chars = 14;
      // Number of chars to scan before finding the boundary_chars if using "simple" boundary scanner; If "boundary_chars" is not found after max scan, fragments will start/end at the original place. Default is 20.
      google.protobuf.UInt32Value  boundary_max_scan = 15;
      // Locale used in boundary scanner when using "word" or "sentence" boundary_scanner. Examples: "en-US", "ch-ZH".
      google.protobuf.StringValue  boundary_scanner_locale = 16;

  // Highlight settings
  Settings settings = 1;
  // Fields to highlight
  repeated string fields = 2;
  // Map of field name to highlight settings for field, overrides request level highlight settings
  map<string, Settings> field_settings = 3;
  • Since Nrtsearch only uses fast-vector-highlighter right now, the default highlighter is set to be fast-vector-highlighter. If you intend to always use fast-vector-highlighter even if the default highlighter changes, you should set highlighter_type to FAST_VECTOR.

  • The fields to highlight must be provided in “fields”. The Settings can be provided for all fields or per-field. You can also provide global settings then override individual settings for each field to be highlighted.

  • The field field_match (v1) is deprecated as it doesn’t support the field override. For any new client, please use field_match_v2 instead. field_match will only take effect when field_match_v2 is omitted. And field_match (v1) will be removed eventually.

Example Queries

Below examples use a simple index called “test_index” with two fields doc_id and comment. The index has two documents:




the food here is amazing, service was good


This is my first time eating at this restaurant. The food here is pretty good, the service could be better. My favorite food was chilly chicken.

Simple query with default settings for highlights:

  "indexName": "test_index",
  "topHits": 2,
  "query": {
    "matchQuery": {
      "field": "comment",
      "query": "food"
  "highlight": {
    "fields": ["comment"]

Highlights in the response for above request:

  "hits": [{
    "highlights": {
      "comment": {
        "fragments": ["the <em>food</em> here is amazing, service was good"]
  }, {
    "highlights": {
      "comment": {
        "fragments": ["restaurant. The <em>food</em> here is pretty good, the service could be better. My favorite <em>food</em> was chilly chicken"]

Example search request which more custom options for highlighting:

  "indexName": "test_index",
  "topHits": 2,
  "query": {
    "matchQuery": {
      "field": "comment",
      "query": "food"
  "highlight": {
    "fields": ["comment"],
    "fieldSettings": {
      "comment": {
        "preTags": ["<START>"],
        "postTags": ["<END>"],
        "fragmentSize": 18,
        "maxNumberOfFragments": 3,
        "highlightQuery": {
          "matchQuery": {
            "field": "comment",
            "query": "food is good"

Highlights in the response for above request:

  "hits": [{
    "highlights": {
      "comment": {
        "fragments": ["the <START>food<END> here <START>is<END> amazing", "service was <START>good<END>"]
  }, {
    "highlights": {
      "comment": {
        "fragments": ["The <START>food<END> here <START>is<END> pretty", "This <START>is<END> my first time", "pretty <START>good<END>, the service"]