Function Score Query

A query that wraps another query and uses custom scoring logic to compute the wrapped query’s score. This uses FunctionScoreQuery in Lucene.

Proto definition:

message FunctionScoreQuery {
    Query query = 1; // Input query
    Script script = 2; // script definition to compute a custom document score

message Script {
    string lang = 1; // script language
    string source = 2; // script source

    // script parameter entry
    message ParamValue {
        oneof ParamValues {
            string textValue = 1;
            bool booleanValue = 2;
            int32 intValue = 3;
            int64 longValue = 4;
            float floatValue = 5;
            double doubleValue = 6;
            ParamNullValue nullValue = 7;
            ParamListValue listValue = 8;
            ParamStructValue structValue = 9;

    // null parameter value
    enum ParamNullValue {
        NULL_VALUE = 0;

    // map parameter value
    message ParamStructValue {
        map<string, ParamValue> fields = 1;

    // list parameter value
    message ParamListValue {
        repeated ParamValue values = 1;

    map<string, ParamValue> params = 7; // parameters passed into script execution